Tuesday, July 30, 2013


  This morning I had my annual Dermatologist appointment for my skin to make sure nothing looked suspicious in terms of cancer, and luckily I was cancer free for the second times round.  I was born with a pre-melanoma and since then I have had two more so I have to be very diligent with my appointments and with sunscreen....even though about once a year I forget and get horribly burnt.
  Any who after the good news I proceeded to lay in the pool for 2-3 hours and in lew of that I decided to try something new with my plain black triangle bikini top.  A bathing suit company Kai Kini recently posted a picture that shows different ways to wear a plain triangle bikini top and this is the one I choose for the day, it is called the "criss cross" and it took a few times around before I got the positioning right but I really like how much more intricate it is than a plain triangle!  I highly recommend trying it especially with living on the Gulf Coast of Florida bathing suits are a must and sometimes they can get a bit costly this is a neat way to spruce up old bathing suits and give them a second wind. 

Bathing Suit:
top: black triangle top from Roxy 
bottoms: cream and black bottoms from Billabong 1973 Surf Capsule 

-Nicole Unger

Follow me on Insta: http://instagram.com/nicoletunger
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